Outside Links

The following list includes recent research and information related to agricultural water in the Colorado River Basin and the Western U.S. We will continue to develop this list further as the project develops. If you have a link you would like to see added to the list please contact the project manager, MaryLou Smith, at MaryLou.smith@colostate.edu.
- Agricultural Water Conservation Clearinghouse Project
- Ag/Urban/Environmental Water Sharing Workgroup Report
- Can Agriculture Water Conservation and Efficiency Provide the Water Needed for Colorado's Future?
- Meeting Colorado's Future Water Supply Needs: Opportunities and challenges associated with potential agricultural water conservation measures
- Quantification Task: A description of agriculture production and water transfers in the Colorado River Basin
- Sharing Water Across Boundaries in the Colorado River Basin: Mapping Agricultural Policies, Data, and Perspectives
- Understanding Beliefs and Preferences of Irrigators Towards the Use and Management of Agricultural Water in the Colorado River Basin